QR Mobile Data - Procore Integration

Integration of QR Mobile Data to Procore allows you to automatically create a pdf document in the documents folder of the specific project for which you are filling out a form, or in the company wide documents folder. For each form, you select if the field records completed using this form should be saved in a project or company documents, as well as optionally specify a folder where the documents should be saved.

How to connect QR Mobile Data and Procore

Linking QR Mobile Data Forms To Procore

After your QR Mobile Data account is connected to Procore, you can link any mobile form to Procore documents. If linked, each time the form is submitted a pdf document with the results of the submission will be created in the specified Procore documents directory.

How To Link QR Mobile Data Form to Procore Documents

Custom Template For The PDF document

In order to create PDF documents for the forms submission, you need to create a custom MS Word template (.docx format) where you will define the look and layout of the PDF document, and what data should be included. You can include inspection date and location, information on the inspected item, any data that were filled out in the form, images that were taken and attached to the form and the collected signature, if applicable.

You can find more information on pdf reports and instructions on how to create MS Word template for the padf reports here.