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Mobile Construction Forms Software With QR Code Scanning

Mobile construction forms software makes filling out job site paperwork easy, error-free and real time. Mobile forms application allows job site employees to fill out construction forms and checklists on the smartphone, use QR code scanning for the efficiency and eliminate errors. Create construction site electronic documents in Procore with QR Mobile Data - Procore Integration.
Construction projects involve a lot of paperwork. Using QR Mobile Data software, construction companies can replace physical paperwork with the mobile forms and checklists, that employees fill out on the job site on the smartphones or tablets. Any type of the construction site paperwork: daily field reports, safety inspections, equipment inspections checklists, deliveries logs, etc. can be completed fast in the QR Mobile Data mobile application, and become available to all authorized users right away.
Job site technicians can easily fill out relevant mobile forms on the smartphone, add photos, collect signatures, create and e-mail custom pdf documents. There is an instant connection between the construction site and the office. Office employees can review submitted mobile forms in real time. If required, office employees can pre-fill a part of the mobile form and push it to the mobile devices for completion.

Creating Mobile Construction Forms And Checklists

All construction forms and checklists that company employees need to fill out on the job site are created by you via a QR Mobile Data software web dashboard. Create as many mobile forms and checklists as you need, add and update mobile forms at any time.

QR Mobile Data software includes ready to use digital forms for construction that you can import into your account and use as is, or modify to your requirements.

Construction mobile forms and checklists in QR Mobile Data software have advanced capabilities that make them easy and fast to complete in the field, on a small smartphone screen using a mobile application:

  • Divide construction mobile forms into the logical sections / subforms. Employees can easily navigate between the sections, and see at a glance which sections are completed and which ones are not.
  • Include clarifying text and / or clarifying images in the construction mobile forms, so that job site employees know exactly what needs to be checked and / or filled out.
  • Design construction mobile forms with the minimal manual entries. Include list selections, checkboxes, radio buttons. Let job site employees scan in data in the mobile form fields using a smartphone camera whenever possible.
  • Allow a capture of images and digital signatures in the mobile forms.
  • Include scannable inspection checklists. Scannable checklists let employees scan a QR code at the station / machine part to indicate completion instead of looking for the right checkbox to check off. Scannable mobile checklists speed up the construction site inspections, and also serve as the verification that an employee in fact has completed the required task.
  • Add dynamic repeatable sections to the mobile forms. Job site employees can dynamically add repeatable sections to the mobile forms as needed and fill them out.
  • Set custom alerts and receive automatic notifications if a completed mobile form contains an outlier that requires immediate attention.
  • QR Mobile Data mobile forms allow for the real time colloboration between the construction site and the office, and the construction site employees. An administrator can pre-fill a part of the mobile form before pushing it to the mobile devices for completion, and fill out office only part on the completed forms. Job site employees can pass the partially completed mobile forms between the mobile devices so that each employee fills out his part of the form.

Filling Out Construction Mobile Forms And Checklists On The Job Site

All construction mobile forms that you created via the web dashboard are available to the job site employees on their smartphones in the QR Mobile Data application. In order to fill out a mobile form or a checklist, an employee logs into the mobile application and scans a QR code or barcode on a relevant object (whatever he needs to check, inspect or report on). The object can be an equipment, machinery, tool, construction site section or an entire job site.

The QR code scan brings up information on the scanned object, and a list of the relevant construction mobile forms / checklists to fill out. An employee picks the right mobile form, fills it out and submits to the server in real time from the smartphone. If internet or data connection is not available, job site employees can submit all completed mobile forms at once as soon as connection becomes available.

While field employee is filling out a mobile form, each section is saved on his smartphone. He can start, stop and resume at any time, and completed form data will not be lost.

In addition to submitting a completed mobile form to a centralized cloud location (where it immediately becomes available to all authorized users), a user can create a pdf document on the smartphone and e-mail it to the selected addresses. You define the format of the pdf document, and what should be included in the document via a MS Word template.

When construction mobile form or checklist is submitted to the server, a timestamp, user who submitted the mobile form and GPS location are captured automatically and are included in the reports.

Office / Construction Site Communication Via The Mobile Forms

QR Mobile Data software provides a real time communication between the office and all active construction sites.

When field employees on the various construction sites fill out construction mobile forms or checklists in the mobile application, the data are immediately submitted to the centralized cloud location. Office employees can access real time reports from all construction sites via the web dashboard. They can search reports by multiple parameters (dates, location, inspected objects, a specific mobile form, values of the fields in the mobile form) to quickly pull out required information.

Optionally, an administrator can receive an automatic email alert when a report from the construction site is submitted. You can configure QR Mobile Data software to send alerts with each mobile form submission, or only if an anomaly is detected. You define what to consider an anomaly, or an outlier, for all applicable mobile forms fields when you create a construction form.

Construction mobile forms can be completed entirely on the job sites, or they can be bounced between the office and the field. Office employees can:

  • Pre-fill a construction mobile form on the computer and push it to the mobile devices for the completion.
  • If a completed construction mobile form needs additional information / corrections, an office employee can push it back to the mobile devices.
  • Office employees can fill out "office only" part after the mobile form is submitted.

With QR Mobile Data software, field and office employees receive required information on time and are always "in the loop".

QR Code / Barcode Scanning For The Data Access On The Job Site

Construction site employees often need to access specifications, documents, and drawings on the project, building, tools and equipment. Using QR Mobile Data mobile application, they have all required information at their fingertips. All they need to do is scan a QR code label with a smartphone.

You control what information on the equipment and other job site assets should be available to the users. It can be anything from the specifications and data on the object, to images, drawings, pdf documents and a log of the recently completed service calls and repairs.

With all the information readily available the job site employees become more productive, do their jobs faster and make more informed decisions.

Completed Construction Mobile Forms Are Stored In A Secure Cloud

All completed construction mobile forms and checklists are stored in a secure centralized cloud location as digital records. You can access digital records on demand via the web dashboard, review submitted information online or download as an .csv file to your computer.

In addition to the digital records, you can create custom pdf documents, in the mobile application and / or via the web dashboard. You can view, print and / or e-mail pdf documents directly from a smartphone, or from the office computer. Use these construction mobile forms reports internally, or for the customer(s) and / or external auditors who do not have a direct access to the QR Mobile Data software.

You define PDF documents look, layout and what data should be included via the custom MS Word templates. Include your branding, collected data, images and / or signature. Send pdf documents to your document management system for the further team review / collaboration.

Construction Mobile Forms For The Equipment And Tools Maintenance

Construction equipment and tools are valueable assets, and you want to keep them in a good shape. Use mobile forms to keep track of equipment repairs and maintenance in the field.

Using mobile forms, field employees can:

  • Report tools or equipment damage in the field. They will scan an equipment QR code to identify it, fill out damage report mobile form, and optionally attach photos documenting the problem. Report becomes instantly available to the right personnel for the immediate actions.
  • Record equipment repairs and preventive maintenance in the field. Equipment and tools records are stored in a centralized cloud location and are available to the authorized employees from anywhere. You can use multiple filters to find required equipment service records fast.
  • Review previously submitted repairs and maintenance records.
  • If you are using outside repair shops, use a smartphone and mobile forms to record sending tool or equipment to the repair and all necessary details: where it was sent, what was the problem, when the tool should be returned. As with everything else, you can define what information to record and track via a web dashboard.
QR Mobile Data software allows you to create custom reminders, and receive automatic e-mail alerts on the next scheduled preventive maintenance or warranty expiration.

Tracking Inventory, Tools And Materials On The Construction Sites

QR Mobile Data software can be used in combination with QR Inventory mobile inventory management system. Using QR Inventory software, you can keep track of consumables, parts, materials and tools on the construction sites, in the warehouse and in the service trucks. Inventory tracking is done on site in real time, using a smartphone for QR code / barcode scanning and data entry. Check out more information on construction sites inventory management.

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